What can I say? I haven’t had five minutes to myself for days – let alone any time near internet. There was no wifi for me to use during any of my days there, and the US doesn’t have 3G. So. No mobile films could be uploaded at the mobile filmmaking event. Very irritating. Even cool new media event organisers still don’t understand the power of letting people use their wifi to live blog/twitter/stream.
Anyway, it’s now 2.30am on Tuesday morning and I’m back home, warming milk for Amy in the kitchen…
Thank you *so much* for all your messages and votes. Eduardo Cachucho’s The Game won the comp – very deservedly: it’s good for lots of the reasons that make so many of us love videoblogging. A little moment from the other side of the world that we otherwise would never get to see.
As you can see from the letterboxing on his video, it was the only one *not* shot on a phone. It was an outtake from a longer doc he shot on a Panasonic DV camera, which is why the picture is so much better quality than the other finalists. So much for the power of Nokia mobile video. I told all you talented videobloggers out there that you should enter, and that it wasn’t just a competition for phone geeks, but did you listen?
By the time the winner was announced, though, I’d pretty much figured that I wasn’t going to win and had even got beyond thinking about it. The whole experience was so overwhelming – so many good people, so much fun stuff to do (and all of it free!). All of us finalists hung out for days and had a lot of fun together, along with 100 other filmmakers from around the world. It had the same friendly vibe as a videoblogging festival or meetup. But with 5 star hotels, drivers and celebs. Weird.
Right. Better give my girl her milk. Though she’s gone back to sleep now. See you tomorrow, with video. I shot a *lot*.
But you did win. You see, when i saw your video on my tv set with rupert howe at the bottom i knew that i was connected and met this new media celebrity in a prius in london. It was incredible validation that the people are the future of media. In my eyes you won. You were in lots of countries televised for your 15 secs of fame all around the globe, your name your voice, on footage, archived and remembered. a claim to fame.
However small and however quick, you were still there. That’s important. Well done dude, really. And congrats on the move and the new life. Now get ya ass to the vancover media thing and get it covered! – we wanna see.
I’m with Philip, winning is for losers. Look forward to hearing all about it… any impressive celeb spots? xe
By the way – your website has a habit of crashing all my web browsers… is it something to do with my settings? x
I disagree about winning. All that phoney motivational bullshit. You took part. You did your best. You had an amazing opportunity to meet and share stories with like-minded storytellers. To me that is the biggest acievement. Its not about winners or losers. Its about playing the game. Even those entrants that were not there for award, and even those that did not submit video but followed along vie Pangea, Ovi and the individual filmmaker sites around the world, all were connected. It was an amazing event. Lots of great stories, lots of great films. Was cool to see your name up there though, and kinda bizarre.
nice one.
Hey buddy, just seeing how things are going, email me!!
Adam has a good point. And before you know it, Amy will take your place, posting her vids of old grumpy Rupert waving his walking stick, haha! Just enjoy as you did so far!