twittervlog: 6pm thurs. I’m not a yuppie any more!

Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4)
I used to have a job in Investor Relations for my dad’s public company. I wore a suit, and I would have fitted right in here. On the outside 😉
See comments "twittervlog: 6pm thurs. I’m not a yuppie any more!"

twittervlog: 4pm British radio soap series about farmers. This is not a spoof.

Link: Tags: movlog archers bbc radio soap twitter vlog rupert
Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4)

See comments "twittervlog: 4pm British radio soap series about farmers. This is not a spoof."

hey mo’vloggers

Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4)


I forgot to say – you can upload tags remotely on Blip by putting in your email body the word tags, then a colon and then your tags, separated by commas or spaces. So an email with
Tags: movlog,twitter
in the email body will tag your post on blip with those words.
That was one of the points of this post. My baby distracted me with her filthy mouth.

My Veoh Show

See comments "hey mo’vloggers"

twittervlog: 12.08am The end of videoblogging week, and reply @tagami

Part of this is in response to Ted Tagami’s movlog from last week at:
Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4)
See comments "twittervlog: 12.08am The end of videoblogging week, and reply @tagami"