THE WICKER MAN …on Hampstead Heath

A film that appears to have been made by a 15 year old boy, with his daddy’s VHS camera.

On Friday afternoon, I got a call to tell me I’d won 50 EXTRAS

to remake a movie scene
with my PHONE
on monday morning

I had 15 MINUTES to decide what movie to do and where to do it.

It’s for the mobile filmmaking competition which ends this week. Please click here to vote for me on their site, and watch the movies that other people have been remaking. (Voting is easy and doesn’t require registration.)

iPhone mp4 video file

See comments "THE WICKER MAN …on Hampstead Heath"

Room 773 (recut) and Nokia #MiniMO

Sadly, this video was deleted for breach of copyright. Thanks so much for your votes. We were doing well…
You can see the original here.

I can’t embed this video, so here’s a link to it:

It’s a shorter 90 recut of Videoblogging The Conversation, for the Nokia MiniMO competition.

They want 90 second mobile videos, inspired by your favourite movie scenes. Shot on phones or point & shoot cameras. The standard of entries so far is pretty so-so – a lot of you vloggers could clean up here… The prizes include a trip to the Cannes Lions Advertising festival at the end of the month and a bunch of video kit and phones.

and I’d love your votes! 😉

I’m going to shoot another one this weekend, I think, based on the opening scene of Narc, perhaps. More to follow.

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