Random Acts Of Advertising

I was at the Coach and Horses pub in Soho last night for Scuttle (after-work social media meetup). Tom Hall from Nokia Womworld, who sent me to Helsinki & Bucharest a couple of months ago, told me was going to turn up with some friends to make a ‘personal delivery’.

Please excuse the advertising. It’s just that I don’t get serenaded in a crowded pub very often.

iPhone MP4 Podcast File

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vlomo09 day 10

in case you haven’t seen, or if you only get these videos via email or RSS, the last few days’ videos have been posted on 12seconds.tv rather than as individual posts on Twittervlog.

you can see them in the little player at the top right of the Twittervlog site, or by clicking here to see them on my channel at 12seconds.tv

no doubt more vlomo videos will be posted on 12seconds this month – it’s a manageable way to meet the challenge of posting every day, although I don’t just post any old clips there. Even a 12 second moment can tell some kind of story – and I try to get two or three different elements in each one.

Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4)

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I used this music on Vlomo Day 3 last year, too – but tongue in cheek, at the start of The Placenta Video.
I know it’s schmaltzy, but sometimes you find a piece of music which fits a video so perfectly that you just can’t not use it, even though your cheese alarm is waking people up three streets away.

iPhone video & podcast mp4 file

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