Home Birth Video revlogged from RyanIsHungry

Home Birth: DIY Labor and Delivery
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by: vPIP
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Fantastic Home Birth Video, about planning for natural childbirth at home with a midwife and birth pool in Virginia. It’s a beautifully told video birth story with an in-depth discussion of homebirthing.

I wanted to make a video about our own experiences of having two home births, but we were too close to it, and I felt I’d be doing a bad job of emulating a RyanIsHungry video.

So I was very happy when Ryanne & Jay told me that they were making a video about their friends Katherine & Todd having a home birth – they’re by far the best people for the job. This is it – and it’s fantastic. I hope a lot of parents and professionals find it and use it. Kate and I have a cameo via video chat about halfway through.

Their original post of this home birth video is here, where you can read the accompanying text and leave comments.

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For everybody back home – VloMo Day 5

I was putting together a big elaborate post-election video… but in the comments to the Placenta video, Frank Carver reminded me to take my own advice: the key to success in posting every day for Videoblogging Month is to avoid ambition – don’t up the ante each day. Just carry your camera with you, capture a simple moment and share it.

And I’ve been really enjoying Elsie Escobar‘s VloMo videos – she’s recording her baby girl’s first few weeks. She made me realise: I have a videoblog, we’re thousands of miles from home, and I’ve hardly posted any video or pictures of Lila for all our family and friends. She’s seven weeks old and almost 14lbs already! So to start with, here’s 90 seconds from breakfast.

I love how all these VloMo videos and comments are creating responses and conversations.

Watch videoblogging month videos at:
and join the group at Vimeo:

Shot on my Nokia N93 phone.

Formats Available: iPod/iPhone compatible MPEG4 (.m4v)

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