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Although I’m on holiday in Canada, I’ve been doing some videoblogging this weekend for The Big Time Out festival in Cumberland, BC, the village on Vancouver Island where I’m staying with my sister. I’ve set up a videoblog at and uploaded a bunch of videos to it – it all just came about in the last couple of days.

Anyway, Saturday night’s headline gig was Michael Franti & Spearhead. They’re *amazing*, and Franti gets the crowd going crazy – but I’d been told I couldn’t film them, and certainly couldn’t post images or music to the internet. As it happened, I cheekily took a couple of minutes from the side of the stage and posted it anyway – I knew he wouldn’t mind. But in the spirit of not breaking his copyright, here’s a silent fixed camera Lumi‚Äö?†??¬¨?Üre of his shadow on the screen at the back of the stage.

When I filmed it, it didn’t even occur to me that it’d be a way around the copyright thing. I just thought it’d make a cool Lumi‚Äö?†??¬¨?Üre.

Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4), Flash Video (.flv)

8 thoughts on “

  1. Gorgeous Rupert…the video I mean (you’re gorgeous too, of course).

    A brilliant poetic Lumi‚Äö?†??¬¨¬©re. At times reminds me of the shadow sequences of Nosferau (1922). Certainly something to get your teeth into.

    Great reports from BigTimeOut tv, too. I hope you’re on the billing.

  2. Wow, I love this SILENT! It’s so rich – leaves it totally up to us to imagine all the sounds, the beats, the roar of the crowd. One of my favorite things that I’ve seen in a long time.

  3. Lucky you, I love spearhead/franti. Been fortunate to hear him speak/ watch him perform a few times. Very inspiring. Very right on without being all drippy hippy. His music is the kind of hip hop I dig most. Anyone remember Consolidated and Disposable Heroes Of Hiphopricy. Franti’s early work.

  4. hey rupert,

    I was at the Big Time Out as well. It rocked… Can’t thank you enough for all the video..I’m saving it to DVD archive and will look at it again in 10 years or so…such a GOOD TIME! Yeah, I thought the 5-ball Felafels were pretty exceptional as well..

    BTW, I REALLY want a copy of the QT clip of “Xavier Rudd – Final Act & Stage Invasion” but the clip is ‘not found’ on – sorry to bug you but Xavier was mind-f**king blowing…..URL with missing clip is ….no biggie if you jus’ ain’t got the time…

    Glad you enjoyed your trip to Canada. I live on Vancouver Island here and it ain’t half bad……

  5. Wow. I work back stage at a concert venue and have to admit I don’t slow down enough to take in the beauty of what’s going on. I’m going to have to do that now. 🙂

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