8 Nov: I’ve cut down my links to make them quicker. Thanks for all the feedback. After several reshoots, I think I’m finding the right style for this, now – like my old FatGirlInOhio videos in 2005.
I call it a review show – but really it’s just unadulterated praise. A guide to stuff I love. Please add your own more informed and balanced thoughts and recommendations in the comments.
I talk about – and include episodes from:
(can’t believe I didn’t mention Steve and Zadi)
(can’t believe I didn’t mention Lexi)
(can’t believe I didn’t mention the Helium Tapes)
(can’t believe I didn’t mention Quirk and Nelson)
(can’t believe I didn’t playlist Sunyatta)
and my previous RyanIsHungry playlist is here
(damn, remembering everything you’re supposed to mention in 1-2 minutes is hard)
This is a great idea Rupert! I’ve updated my RSS reader with some of your suggestions.
Rupert is a magnanimous genius! This is wonderful.
Highly impressive! If there ever was someone that I would ever want to do reviews, and trust their opinions, it would be you 🙂
i love that you are doing this.
maybe others will follow your lead.
curations of vlogs by real people has always been important to me.
You are right about justifying it to one’s wife. I’m on probation right now with her after all of the time I spent on that last video. Thanks for the review.
Only you could pull something like this off! daunting to say the least but cool, very cool!
Each time I try to get back into this gig, I look for new vlogs to check out. I should have known I could depend on you to provide me with the 4-1-1.
This is so great – particularly for internet luddites like me – but, dare i say it cos i love your rambling of course – the links need to be shorter to keep me engaged. But more, more! and more of us will see the future! x
That was incredible. I just sat back with that in fullscreen for about hour (or however long it was) and it was the best hour of video I’ve seen in a long time. Please do more!
Your energy, enthusiasm and creativity leave me in awe. This is brilliant!
This was fantastic, i watched from beginning to end, only pausing to let the videos load, some of the shows i have heard of but had not seen, but will keep my eye on in the future. Looking forward to the next review show, hoping to find some more interesting shows that i may have overlooked. Great work, will probably watch this again tomorrow 😉
My wife gave up on me a long time ago.
Thanks for the shout out or whatever the kids say these days. Honored to make your cut. I must say that I agree that you are a ramblerer but you’re really good at it, and not regard it as a negative. You are fun to watch sticking the camera in your face. I wish I had the nerve to do that more often, and be as compelling when I did it.
Also nice use of the Blip playlist function. I have been thinking of putting that to more use myself.
Thanks, everybody. @kate @bill thanks for the constructive pointers about rambling & time. watching it again, I realised how flabby it is. I tried a third reshoot but settled for just cutting the hell out of the existing links, taking at least a minute out of each.
So I’m just uploading the recut links – they’re jumpcutastic like my old FatGirlInOhio videos – I think it’s a style I’ll use for this slot in the future. Although next time I might try actually writing a loose script. God, I’m lazy.
Glad that so many of you find it useful, and that some of you have found new shows here. I got another message from non-videoblogging friend who said, “LOVING your work on the guide to videoblogs – bringing it all together for me to make some sense.” which is brilliant – just what I want – all my previous attempts to explain and introduce videobloggers, artists & shows have been much less successful. Linking just isn’t enough.
I’m always interested in hearing what interesting people are watching on the web. I like the mix of commentary and playlists. Kind of a videoblog DJ thing…
And thanks for the kind words about EPIC FU!
This is wonderful!
I just watched the Wreck and Salvage segment – holy crap they did a wonderful, amazing, insightful remix there. And I wouldn’t have found it – at least not right now – if you hadn’t done this. Kudos!