360 video: Talking to Jonathan Dimbleby during our 50km overnight walk

I’m talking to Jonathan Dimbleby at 1.15am during our 50k overnight walk for Dimbleby Cancer Care.

Jonathan was amazingly speedy – he started 40 minutes after me, and finished an hour before! This is the moment his group sped past us, so I turned on my 360 camera as he swept us along – before he disappeared off into the distance.
Get a sense of what it was like to walk with us at 2am in this 360º video where you can look all around.
If you’re watching on a computer, click and drag in the video to look around!

If using the Facebook mobile app, move your phone or tablet all around, up and down!
(the only thing it won’t work on is Apple’s Safari web browser on Mac or iOS – another browser like Firefox/Chrome, or use the Facebook app.)

On Friday June 10th, Kate and I did an OVERNIGHT walk of 50km (that’s 30 miles) all around London, for Dimbleby Cancer Care – leaving at 9pm and arriving back around 8.30am – and we’ve raised 5x our £500 target so far at http://justgiving.com/RuAndKate because of our incredibly lovely friends.

Dimbleby Cancer Care work with the NHS at Guy’s and St Thomas’s hospitals to provide support to people with cancer, their families and carers. They are amazing. They were originally set up after Richard Dimbleby died aged 52 in 1965, the first public figure to speak openly about having cancer, which was a huge thing at the time. Read more at http://dimblebycancercare.org

The walking was the fun bit; the hard bit was done by you all giving up so much of your own money to support DCC. We aimed for £500, and so far you’ve given £2581, which has been coming in all night, so YOU ARE ALL THE BEST (and whenever we checked, it was like rocket fuel for us to keep feeling happy and power on ignoring the soreness and fatigue)

I also posted a photo story of Kate and my walk here:

Our page: http://justgiving.com/RuAndKate
Jonathan’s: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/JDWalk50

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