Christmas Fair at my niece and nephew’s Waldorf school

Just a collection of moments from today.

I wish I could have shown you the Gnome House. It was one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen. Amy was awed. But it was way too dark to film. (Even my kitchen at night is too dark to film. It’s the one thing that really bugs me about the N93. I think I’m going to have to stop using it soon, so I can have some fun with colours and night-time filming.)

Anyway, the school is pretty amazing.

Those drawings I show on the way into the main building – they’re by people in Class 9, who are (I guess) 15/16 years old.

It’s not an art school. It’s a Waldorf school – an holistic educational movement set up by Rudolph Steiner in the early 20th Century. Read more here and see the Wikipedia entry on him here. It’s pretty interesting.

Also ran into the brilliant and unhinged Jason Jarrett ( and whom I met for the first time two weeks ago at Phil Campbell‘s bash (see here for evidence), and only afterwards realised that we had this other connection. Only saw him briefly, but hopefully have even more excuse to hang out now.

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*that* was supposed to be *this*

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Well, that’s cheered me up. I attached the wrong file when I uploaded, and I didn’t even check. That’s what happens when you shoot, cut and post on your phone on a bit of a downer. This one is quite different to the one I posted before. Or is it? I don’t know. This one is half the length and has music (My Blue Wave, hence the title and lyrics of the last post). It was the revised cut – the other one I posted was my first assembly. Then I really stripped all the shots down to their essences. So there you go – you get to see some process. Lucky you.

The only thing missing is naked Jay and his pussy 😉

— Later —

So I just looked at *this* again 15 minutes later and now *this* seems too artificial with the music.¬¨¬®‚Äö?тĆ Jesus. Like it matters. This started out as a shoot and post, and here I am with my third amendment.¬¨¬®‚Äö?тĆ I really need to get out more.¬¨¬®‚Äö?тĆ And not to Starbucks.

Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4), Flash Video (.flv)

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my blue wave

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i am out of the office this afternoon. i thought going to a caf‚Äö?†??¬¨¬© to make a To Do list might make a difference.

i thought i’d snap my immediate environment in terms of how everything feels at the moment – flat, sharp, overwhelming, muted, colourless, all at the same time – and when i mostly failed, i just cut it together right now in the phone anyway. why not? got me out of my head for a moment. can’t be doing sitting on all these unposted videos – the original point of twittervlog was to get past that stifling old isitgoodenough filter and reach out, publish every day from my phone regardless of mood or time available. flex the creative muscles at a basic level.

as for my mood, it’s nothing serious – just bullshit that i’m sure will pass when i get on top of my work – which isn’t that hard. tomorrow. tomorrow. i love ya, tomorrow.

And the best is yet to come / You may think you are the only one / To never get it right / Just stick around on this lovely lovely night / And we may be amazed /
By my blue wave

To conclude this interview / Many facts and fictions you construe / The dog gives you the paw / You pat his head and you wipe his jaw / He’s the only one who knew /
About my blue wave

Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4), Flash Video (.flv)

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