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Amazing Rainbows! London Says Goodbye As We Emigrate
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I hope this rainbow brightens people’s days all over the world. Please share this with any of your family or friends who’d appreciate a little magic in their day 🙂
And I’m making films for the Nokia Mobile Filmmaking Awards at the moment, so if you like this film, I’d love it if you could rate it and/or comment on the Pangea Day channel to help me out, and I’ll return the favour on your videos/blog/podcast.
Of the 200 or so films that I’ve made with my phone in the last year, I think this is the one I like the most.
We went on our favorite London walk for the last time yesterday with our friend Lucy – along the River Thames at Hammersmith.
In two and a half weeks, we’re moving to Canada.
So I started filming a plane in the clouds with my phone, thinking about making a video about us leaving, and suddenly something magical happened…
…and kept on happening! Instead of fading, they got brighter, and more intense!
In mythology, religion, art, literature, music and film, the Rainbow is a powerful symbol – a sign of hope and life and new beginnings.
I grew up in Christian boarding schools, so usually the first thing I think of when I see a rainbow is the rainbow that God sends Noah after the great flood in Genesis:
“And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.”
Yeah. It’s either that or The Wizard Of Oz.
See you on the other side 🙂
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