Cheating, because the camera’s not fixed – but I can’t fix my phone, so I just held it still.
Lumiere Rules – from Andreas’ blog,
- 60 seconds max.
- Fixed camera
- No audio
- No zoom
- No edit
- No effects
They mimic the conditions under which the Lumiere brothers made their movies in the late 1800s.”
See more by other people at – search for “lumierevideo”
Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4), Flash Video (.flv)
Oh, poor thing. She was not happy there near the end! This video flashed me right back to my own childhood – first time on one of these merry-go-rounds. You really wonder if dad is going to appear again! What a sweet little Amy.
“Lumiere cheating”, now that’s a new term, LOL! Nice shot anyway, Lumiere or not. I felt dizzy myself at the end.
Next time please do try to attach the camera to a moving object so you get moving background… could be interesting (and maybe we all faint of dizzyness:)!
I liked the reds! I need to make one of these too.
Also, thanks for your kind comments over on Next To Heaven. I really appreciate the feedback.
hey rupert,
i like your fancy new site.
and i like this spinny video, even though she bears a suspicious resemblance to the girl in daniel liss’ videos. 😉
There may not have been audio in the post but one could almost hear her dislike for being there on that thing being shouted out.
Wheeee! I got a little dizzy watching this ( in a good way!)
does amy have representation?