7 Blogs for Blog Day 2008

It’s Blog Day today. You’re supposed to introduce your readers to 5 other blogs.

I couldn’t choose just 5 videobloggers to highlight. And anyway, you can see all the videoblogs I watch via the link at the top of the page.

So I thought I’d just do it straight. Here are all the non-videoblog blogs that I read regularly and love :

“A blog of Radio 4. Not about Radio 4 but of it. We point to the bits we like, the bits you might have missed, the bits that someone might have sneakily recorded.”
Even now I’ve moved to Canada, I listen to BBC Radio 4 when I’m working. All day. Constant noise. Making me smarter, happier and less lonely all at once. I use their Listen Again service, and use Speechification as my guide to the day’s highlights.
This started out (I think) as an extension of Steve Bowbrick‘s Listen With Bowbrick Twitter account. Now they’ve got a team of 6 people writing it.

“An online resource for art & entertainment movies. Whilst we don‚àö‚â†t turn up our noses at the trivial, popular & amusing we also try to bring you the best in new & challenging work.”
That’s what they do. That’s why I like it. I’m worried that this looks bad somehow, because my “Sun” video is their latest post. But I can’t tell you how much cool stuff I watch via DVBlog – videos and editorial which make me excited about the breadth and quality of video art online.

“CRBlog is the weblog of Creative Review magazine, the leading monthly title for the visual communications industries.”
I subscribed to this because my friend Eliza writes for it. But now it’s a staple. I like it for most of the same reasons I like DVBlog. It focusses on commercial work by amazing designers in many disciplines – but video people might be most interested Eliza’s regular round up of great new videos.

“Tilzy.TV is a guide to webshows. We sift, scrounge, and search through the countless hours of web video to bring you the best programming available on the internet.”
It’s like NewTeeVee.com, but with a soul and a clue.

I’m sensing a pattern here. Let’s break it.

Wreck and Salvage’s Tumblelog
“We are three internet hobos riding the rails of digital refuse, navigating through the brambles, backwoods, and country roads. Adventure! Huddled around this campfire we share stories of our journeys. We make videos from videos, from computers for computers, of the people, by the people, for the people.”
My love for W&S videos is no secret. Their lesser-known Tumblr blog at http://blog.wreckandsalvage.com is the internet’s best junk drawer / scrap book / community noticeboard for freaks.

That’s 5. I subscribe to about 80 feeds, but only 7 are not videoblogs. So I might as well list the other two.

iPM Blog
“What ends up on air will be shaped by listeners and bloggers. iPM is an experiment. It‚àö‚â†ll take advantage of the huge number of conversations and sources that take place every minute of every day.”
Radio 4 again. PM is their 5pm news and comment show. It’s one of my favourite shows – mostly because of its presenter, Eddie Mair. iPM is its new sister show, broadcast once a week on Saturdays. Eddie and the production team actually engage with their listeners via the blog and respond. A bit like Steve and Zadi do at EpicFU. A model for the future of radio and TV.

Every day, a guy in Glastonbury called Big Ade sends you music. Free.
A different track from a different artist every day.
Did I mention that it was free?
And every day?
What’s not to like?
Apart from some of the music?
And you know what – it’s OK not to like some of the music. Because it’s free.
Also, it’s daily.

You’re still reading this? GO. NOW. SIGN UP.

4 thoughts on “7 Blogs for Blog Day 2008

  1. Thanks for the tip… but f*ck that now – fingers crossed for Kate!!! We’ll read all that later, after you let us know everything went OK! 🙂

  2. Thanks Rupert,

    I cannot send email through Twitter because you are not following me.

    But then, how come he used the twitteraccount twitter.com/ruperthowe, does
    that belong to your mobile phone too?
    Let me know, I guess it might be important for other folks to know, before
    swapping phones 😉

    Best Huub

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