For everybody back home – VloMo Day 5

I was putting together a big elaborate post-election video… but in the comments to the Placenta video, Frank Carver reminded me to take my own advice: the key to success in posting every day for Videoblogging Month is to avoid ambition – don’t up the ante each day. Just carry your camera with you, capture a simple moment and share it.

And I’ve been really enjoying Elsie Escobar‘s VloMo videos – she’s recording her baby girl’s first few weeks. She made me realise: I have a videoblog, we’re thousands of miles from home, and I’ve hardly posted any video or pictures of Lila for all our family and friends. She’s seven weeks old and almost 14lbs already! So to start with, here’s 90 seconds from breakfast.

I love how all these VloMo videos and comments are creating responses and conversations.

Watch videoblogging month videos at:
and join the group at Vimeo:

Shot on my Nokia N93 phone.

Formats Available: iPod/iPhone compatible MPEG4 (.m4v)

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How To Prepare For A Home Birth…

As most of you know, Lila was born AGES ago. I’ve resisted publishing any videos until now. She’s four weeks old today, and with a prompt from Kate, I figure that’s enough of a respectful pause. It was about as good a birth as you could hope for – 3 hour labour from 6am to 9am, born in water, 8lbs 5oz. I won’t get into why we chose a home birth – that’s for another post, maybe. But this is quite a nice memento of the days leading up to it (she was born 7 days after this) and once it’s up on the web, I’m sure some of you watching it will be new parents who are frantically Googling for information about what your home birth will be like. Good luck! Our two have been the most amazing experiences of my life.

Music: Early Days, by The Helium Tapes

Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4)
See comments "How To Prepare For A Home Birth…"

she’s always been afraid of this, before today. kids are scary, cool and smart, all at the same time.

Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4)
See comments "she’s always been afraid of this, before today. kids are scary, cool and smart, all at the same time."

hey mo’vloggers

Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4)


I forgot to say – you can upload tags remotely on Blip by putting in your email body the word tags, then a colon and then your tags, separated by commas or spaces. So an email with
Tags: movlog,twitter
in the email body will tag your post on blip with those words.
That was one of the points of this post. My baby distracted me with her filthy mouth.

My Veoh Show

See comments "hey mo’vloggers"