Cumberland Snow – Son et Lumiere

for videoblogging week, day 6
lumière style videos are silent, 60 seconds long, with a fixed camera.
this breaks the silent rule, so i’ve called it a son et lumière.

i wanted to keep the crunch of the snow, the voices carrying in the crisp smoky air. this is really just a postcard to myself, to remind me what it was like to live in Cumberland in the snow.

iPhone / iPod compatible file

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All Canadian

A ‘son et lumi‚àö?£re’ for British Columbia’s 150th Birthday today.

Shot on the dock behind the local halibut burger bar.

Everything about this, and about that sentence, is Canadian.

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One Minute Sunny

I like lumière videos. I like setting up a frame, as if taking a still picture, and then letting the camera roll for 60 seconds to see what happens within the frame. Often, something serendipitous will happen within the composition and within the allotted time.But lumière videos are silent, and I’m a big fan of videos with natural soundtrack.

Like Ryanne (and Jay)’s films, cut simply together, each clip with its natural background hum. There’s something very moving about the short rhythmic pulse of these sounds and images together.

I shot this one as a lumière , but it’d be half as good without its natural soundtrack. So I’m calling this a ‘son et lumière ‘ 😉
(I used to love these, before irony)

Shot with the in-camera ‘Color Accent’ setting on the Canon IXUS 860, which allows you to sample a colour and turn everything else black and white.

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