I made this on Thursday night, but my computer froze and I lost half my edit, so I gave up and went to bed. Couldn’t do it in the phone because I needed to cut Jeffrey in. So I’m cheating and backdating it to when it was really made.

This is a recipe Jeffrey posted on truthfairy.eu for Day 11 of NaVloPoMo. I read on Twitter that some other NaVloPoMoers have been making it, and I thought I’d have a go myself.

I’m not much of a cook, but as I mentioned the other night, one of my 15 failed 2007 New Year’s Resolutions was to cook 2 recipes every week. So this is my second recipe for the third week of January.

Jeffrey calls it Quick & Dirty Carbonara. Quick and Dirty. That’s how I like it.

Video Files:
MP4 / Flash

16 thoughts on “

  1. Rupert, that was so funny! I’m sitting in my classroom thinking I can squeeze this one video in before I have to tune out for the day. I’m hoping they won’t notice that I’m having fun instead of getting ready to answer their pleading cries for help as we wind into the deadline for their final project.

    I think they noticed when I burst into uncontrollable laughter when your face first appeared and didn’t stop until a full minute after the video ended.


    2. Totally ace execution. Because it’s you.

    3. British Bacon is better. Far better.

    4. Fresh pasta can put a wrench in things, especially those tender vlog-watching moments while you wait for the hard pasta to go al dente.

    5. Mise en place dishes for Xmas

    6. Grated Cheese does need not include finger parts.

    7. I’m backdating for today as well, so don’t feel so badly.

    8. Glad you had time for wine, and drink more.

    9. I think it turned out?

    10. Who cares? I’m chuffed.

  3. ok finally got around to watching this. you are a TERRIBLE shopper! all over the shop! dear oh dear. 🙂

    however, you are only slightly more messy than me in the kitchen, and I imagine Kate is a MUCH nicer person to cook for than David – he is too honest and RUDE. 🙂

    great video!

  4. YES! I’m so glad you vlogged this. I, too, was so moved by Jeffrey’s recipe that I made it, too but I wasn’t brave enough to film it! Mine got all gloopy and tangled and needed a creme rinse. Yours looked good!

    Not so big with “cleaning as you go”, are you!

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