Christmas Fair at my niece and nephew’s Waldorf school

Just a collection of moments from today.

I wish I could have shown you the Gnome House. It was one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen. Amy was awed. But it was way too dark to film. (Even my kitchen at night is too dark to film. It’s the one thing that really bugs me about the N93. I think I’m going to have to stop using it soon, so I can have some fun with colours and night-time filming.)

Anyway, the school is pretty amazing.

Those drawings I show on the way into the main building – they’re by people in Class 9, who are (I guess) 15/16 years old.

It’s not an art school. It’s a Waldorf school – an holistic educational movement set up by Rudolph Steiner in the early 20th Century. Read more here and see the Wikipedia entry on him here. It’s pretty interesting.

Also ran into the brilliant and unhinged Jason Jarrett ( and whom I met for the first time two weeks ago at Phil Campbell‘s bash (see here for evidence), and only afterwards realised that we had this other connection. Only saw him briefly, but hopefully have even more excuse to hang out now.

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Really too early for this

I am not a morning person. Unfortunately, this trait was not in the 50% of genes I passed to my daughter.
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Tuk Tuk!

This is a trip that @sizemore and I took on Monday. You can see his written account and photo slideshow at, posted (ahem) the same day.

These free Tuk Tuks are being laid on in central London until Saturday (24th) to promote The Darjeeling Limited, the new Wes Anderson film, out here on Friday. Mike was asked if he wanted a ride in one by the PR company, and he asked me along too, because he'd just seen and liked last week's Visit London film.

Wes Anderson is the guy who made Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums and The Life Aquatic. In my eyes, he’s a bit of a genius.

I've stumbled on the daily posting for NaVloPoMo a little, but I'll catch up again. I am astonished at everyone else's stamina and creativity.

While I'm in the mode of pimping The Darjeeling Limited, you should check out the Fox Searchlight US site for it. It has a whole heap of videoblog posts from the production (no RSS feeds though). They haven't put them on the UK site (perhaps territorial rights related reasons, these things usually are).

Oh, the Tuk Tuks are owned by our driver, “Mr Steve” who realised he’d had enough of his career in recruitment when he hit 40, went to India, saw some Tuk Tuks, bought them, shipped them home, quit his job and started doing this. That was four years ago. He’s living the dream, and he seems very happy with it. His website is at (a pun that even Robert Croma would be proud of)

Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4)
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Here’s a lesson to learn. Today I filmed a whole bunch of stuff in the park after dropping Amy off at nursery. It was just me talking about some stuff. But I did a few takes, and then suddenly I had to go to see a client, then I had to catch up with work, and then my phone ran out of juice. It started to turn into a really horrible, wet, cold, miserable day. And all I could think about was the fact that I had a film to cut for work AND the Tuk Tuk film from yesterday to cut. Never mind another Navlopomo.
So what did I end up doing? Not the work film. Not the Tuk Tuk film (both on deadlines). And not the Navlopomo.
I froze.
Just get it done. You have the footage. Send it.

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Rainy Days and Mondays

Another little film that’s just a moment I caught while working from home yesterday. No excuse not to get this up moments after I shot it yesterday. Just guilt about all the things I hadn’t done.

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Getting Things Done – lesson 1: Multitasking

Navlopomo Day 18. I’ve been telling people a lot recently about how intimately I feel I’ve got to know other videobloggers through their work.

Today I’ve been getting to know you all *very* intimately. This is me getting up close and personal with Gogen’s great post from yesterday.

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I made this on Thursday night, but my computer froze and I lost half my edit, so I gave up and went to bed. Couldn’t do it in the phone because I needed to cut Jeffrey in. So I’m cheating and backdating it to when it was really made.

This is a recipe Jeffrey posted on for Day 11 of NaVloPoMo. I read on Twitter that some other NaVloPoMoers have been making it, and I thought I’d have a go myself.

I’m not much of a cook, but as I mentioned the other night, one of my 15 failed 2007 New Year’s Resolutions was to cook 2 recipes every week. So this is my second recipe for the third week of January.

Jeffrey calls it Quick & Dirty Carbonara. Quick and Dirty. That’s how I like it.

Video Files:
MP4 / Flash

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Just film a moment and send it off. Stop dicking about and letting the side down.

It’s no wonder I’m behind with my posting. I’m spending too long doing my hair.
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