Author: Ru
Twittervlog – how to polish a turd (15 secs)
Twittervlog – scary old lady
twittervlog – First Day
twittervlog – How I’m marking World Earth Day
journey to my first Social Media Club Meeting (6 mins)
… And i don’t just mean a physical one, man… 😉 But wow, I think i am killing my N93. Almost 50 videos shot, cut and posted with it in the last 3-4 weeks with few problems, but now it’s crashing like a Windows box. Lost everything 4 times last night while trying to cut this, which is usually easy. And 2 more crashes this morning. The edit system doesn’t allow you to save, only export to a finished file, and often it’s the export that crashes the phone. Bad bad bad design. I mean, it’s pretty cool to be able to cut in the phone, but several things like this could be so much better. Wish i could tell them. Maybe it’s better in the newer N95. Will have to wait a year to find out though. I really hope this one’s not dying – I’ve been enjoying this vlog. RAAAAAAAAA! Tags: movlog,twitter,social media club london,nokia n93 problems,rupert,tube,bus,london,lloyd davis,starbucks
twittervlog – how to relax with a coffee in the sunshine, London-s tyle
twittervlog – ANGRY (and loud)
twittervlog – a couple of things to hate about this country… eve n when it’s sunny.
The most depressing job in the world?