Rider Spoke – Interactive Mobile Technology Bike Theatre Game at the Barbican!
My friend Lucy was reviewing this. She’s a theatre critic. She invited me along for the ride.
And yes, that title is the shortest accurate description I could find. It’s not often you get something that presses Geek, Art and Theatre buttons all at the same time. Not to mention Cycling, Gaming, and London buttons.
You’ll see what it is by watching the video.
It’s inspired use of new technology – Blast Theory, the artists behind it, have created something really Of The Moment, that couldn’t have happened until right now – or at least not in such an effective way. The key ingredients are:
the Nokia N800 (released in January, the sister device to my N93) a wide screen portable computer with Wifi wireless internet access and GPS satellite positioning; and The Cloud, the new City-wide wifi network.
For the benefit of both non-geeks reading this, these are the things that allow us, the riders, to roam around London, for it to know exactly where we are, to connect with the home server and allow us to hear other people – even those recording their messages Right Now – and for it to tell us whether the messages they left are near or far from where we are.
If Blast Theory want to, they’ll be able to make a little map of all the hiding places, with people’s recordings on them (either as an installation, or online). They could even feed the GPS co-ordinates into something like Google Earth, so you could do a virtual walkthrough of the City and you could hear people’s messages, exactly where they left them.
So I thought it was all very cool and inspirational.
If only it’d been longer… 😉
I got back in the end, and they didn’t seem at all bothered – but I *was* half an hour late for dinner on the other side of town.
I totally recommend it. Especially if you stick reasonably close to the Barbican instead of cycling for miles through the City’s labyrinthine streets like me.
It’s on from 11th October to 21st October at the Barbican in London.
£10 if you rent a bike, £5 if you bring your own. How cheap is that? Given the average price of an average theatre show, I reckon they should be charging a lot more.
(PS – I saw yesterday that Google Earth have just started using the Geotag location information entered in Youtube videos so that you can see videos exactly where they were filmed. I’m geeky enough to always enter the Geotag info when uploading on YT, but I doubt most people do.)
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)
See comments "Rider Spoke – Interactive Mobile Technology Bike Theatre Game at the Barbican!"normal service will resume imminently
Hi. It’s me. I’m back. This is the Central Scruuuutinizer.
Well, I guess needed a stint in rehab.¬¨¬®‚Äö?тĆ My internet addiction had gotten pretty bad.
About 24 hours before I left, I thought I’d hit rock bottom.
Then I did a long haul flight with a 2 year old.
Then I landed in Canada, and all those happy smiling people took care of me.¬¨‚?тĆ They’re everywhere.¬¨‚?тĆ They’re just like they are on South Park, only nicer.¬¨‚?тĆ Even the Customs/Border guy just said “Welcome back” with a smile and waved us through.
With the exception of the night on a remote island that a sasquatch jacked our campervan and broke my Powerbook, it was a luminous trip.
Anyway, this is a videoblog, not the ramblings of some jetlagged fuckhead, so I guess I’ll start posting videos again.¬¨‚?тĆ I have quite a lot.¬¨‚?тĆ Five weeks’ worth.
Oh, and I have 1130 unwatched videos in my Subscriptions folder, 1143 messages from the Yahoo videoblogging group and 2118 unread messages in my Inbox.
Oooh, yeah, I can feel that internet juice squirting round my arteries again.
See you tomorrow.
See comments "Hi. It’s me. I’m back. This is the Central Scruuuutinizer."Nokia: Connecting People
Nothing really. Just a snapshot from the council housing estate that makes up one half of our street. With nice crappy audio of bangs and shouts to give a flavour of the area.
The other half of our street – divided by a larger cross-street – is being ‘gentrified’ by people like me and Kate, with privately owned terraced houses rising 40-50% in value in the last two years. A 3 bed house is now worth £600k ($1.2m). When I was working in Investor Relations, I used to find this estate a scary place to walk through, and avoided it. Now I walk through it at least twice a day to get the bus.
When I passed this Nokia box just now, I was in the middle of calculating that the retail price of my Nokia phone was around a month’s salary on minimum wage after tax – and a quarter of a year or so on the dole.
On the plus side, I think 3 to 5 thousand people in the City take home bonuses of over one million pounds ($2m) each year, now (in addition to their 6 figure salaries, of course) – and in total around £10 billion is given in bonuses in the uk. So I’m sure all that will trickle down soon enough. That’s the theory, isn’t it? Strange it hasn’t happened yet. And last week our finance minister became our PM, promising opportunities for all. Things can only get better.
But anyway, what the fuck am I wittering on about my neighbourhood and the economy for? This is just a video of a dirty, broken down, badly-patched-up high tech box on my street.
Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4), Flash Video (.flv)
See comments "Nokia: Connecting People"just another day as rupert howe
God, it’s been a busy few days. Very low activity here. Sorry.
Thought I’d registered Twittervlog.com – turns out I hadn’t completed payment and someone else has cybersquatted it. And .org. And .net. Vermin.
But screw it – at Pixelodeon, I was talking to Daniel and David and Michael about a logo for Twittervlog for the new site while we were drawing on our placemats like kids at Mel’s Diner, and Daniel (I think) pointed out the obvious gag to me: that TwitterVlog was TV. So I’ve registered Twittervlog.tv – which is perfect. I’ve made a nice square red TV Guide logo and I’ll be uploading everything there in the next couple of days. HURRAY! And then I’ll get back on the case posting films again.
When I shot this, I thought I’d end up posting this tomorrow morning, but actually posted this from their house as soon as I got there, just a few minutes later… so I haven’t put my WordPress blog online yet.
The domain will be Twittervlog.com – currently dead.
And I’m talking about ShowInABox.tv, which is the best thing to happen to videoblogging since Blip.tv
I wish I’d taken another video of what I looked like by the time I arrived. The rain didn’t abate at all. It intensified. I was *soaked*. Had to borrow a t shirt and tracksuit trousers, just like John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson.
Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4)
Lumiere Rules: Friday evening in a heavy rainstorm, moments after putting the baby to bed
A crucial inconsequential moment. The only one I’ve posted all week. It’s been a H.A.R.D. week.
Lumiere Rules is a game I’ve been wanting to play for a few weeks, inspired by Andreas.
I put down my Nokia for the first time in months and picked up my old Kodak DX7440 (which, totally coincidentally and appropriately) Andreas recommended to me before I even started Fatgirlinohio, when I was looking for a camera and was admiring the colours on his photos and videos on his blog. I love that camera. I needed it for this because it has a flat bottom, unlike my Nokia.
From Andreas’s blog, Solitude.dk:
“The rules are as follows:
- 60 seconds max.
- Fixed camera
- No audio
- No zoom
- No edit
- No effects
They mimic the conditions under which the Lumiere brothers made their movies in the late 1800s.
“Aske Dam, a good friend, told me about these rules last summer when we were attached to the same research project. They mimic the conditions under which the Lumiere brothers made their movies in the late 1800s. All transfer seamlessly to web-video and videoblogs except the last one. On the web we are used to compress our videos because the raw files from our cameras are too big to be practical. But is the compression not an added effect? You can certainly tweak the compression settings to provide results that differ tremendously from the raw camera files.
If you make any videos that abide by the Lumiere Rules tag them lumierevideo.”
More info and Andreas’s videos at: http://www.solitude.dk/archives/20070522-2202/
Waking up
It’s happening right now.
It might not be your dream, but it’s mine, and I’ve only put the pieces together after meeting everyone at Pixelodeon and seeing all the curated sessions of films.
This is why i’ve fallen in love with internet video distribution. Funny how it’s taken me so long to realise the obvious.
I guess i was too busy looking ahead for the one big idea, and not realising that it wasn’t a ‘show’.
As we say in Jedi school:
It’s not the End, it’s the Means Whereby.
And as the Dwarf said in Twin Peaks:
Let’s rock.