Yesterday, I asked everybody to show their desks & workspaces, in response to Cheryl asking to see everyone’s Junk Drawers. And I promised to show mine today. So here it is.
Two years ago, a friend gave me David Allen‘s famous Getting Things Done. It changed my life.
Dear Clients,
This is a work of fiction.
I dont think I have laughed so hard watching something in a long, long, LONG time as I did just watching this! I have waited what feels like an eternity for you to finally show your office and I am in NO way disappointed! It is JUST as I expected it to look ๐
Thank you thank you thank you Rupert! That was priceless.
Oh…yes…*ahem* pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
So funny, Rupert. You are a balm for my soul.
P.S. My office is, well, worse … or if we’re sticking with fiction, MUCH more organized than yours.
My office is non existent and my list of to-dos is on a dry erase board that I draw random pictures all over, rendering it less effective.
Your hired! Ha ha ha ha…etc…
Oh, man. I’m speechless. Wow.
Seems to me you tricked us pretty good with your workspace vid invitation – forced to use our best propaganda… and now you just shot us all down with this single shot.
You rule!
Sorry that should have been “you’re” hired. Laughing too much to spell.
like the new year resolutions. and the laugh at the weight one. . . lol
Consider the three T’s stolen.
You’re amazing.
I just throw everything away.
P.S. I’m pulling up “The Armstrongs” on the hard drive.
apart from finding calm, non-stressed Rupert a bit freaky, I must say your office shows all the signs that you’d make an excellent phd student. not that my office is *anything* like yours… mainly because i haven’t got one…
That was absolutely hi-larious! Funniest navlopomo post so far. I am all too familiar with the pile-‘o-crap that you always mean to file “eventually”, and the lists and charts and affirmations that fall by the wayside….you’re not alone! ๐
Maybe it is just the mood I am in this morning, but I detected a hint of sadness in this post. A longing to be “that” person you wish you were. To actually be organized……or it could just be the fact I was watching this while I was at work in the can doing the “lord’s work”…..who knows? you inspire me ๐
Viva Vloggers!
you’re great Rupert! so funny! I don’t know how you can keep a straight face. love all the lists. with all that GTD, I don’t know how you find time to work more than 1-2 hours per day ๐
liked it a lot. a world of fiction mixed with good reality and in the end a great movie with a very good story to tell us. ๐