My Office – the art of Getting Things Done

Yesterday, I asked everybody to show their desks & workspaces, in response to Cheryl asking to see everyone’s Junk Drawers. And I promised to show mine today. So here it is.

Two years ago, a friend gave me David Allen‘s famous Getting Things Done. It changed my life.

Dear Clients,
This is a work of fiction.

15 thoughts on “My Office – the art of Getting Things Done


    I dont think I have laughed so hard watching something in a long, long, LONG time as I did just watching this! I have waited what feels like an eternity for you to finally show your office and I am in NO way disappointed! It is JUST as I expected it to look ๐Ÿ˜€

    Thank you thank you thank you Rupert! That was priceless.

    Oh…yes…*ahem* pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

  2. So funny, Rupert. You are a balm for my soul.

    P.S. My office is, well, worse … or if we’re sticking with fiction, MUCH more organized than yours.

  3. Oh, man. I’m speechless. Wow.
    Seems to me you tricked us pretty good with your workspace vid invitation – forced to use our best propaganda… and now you just shot us all down with this single shot.
    You rule!

  4. apart from finding calm, non-stressed Rupert a bit freaky, I must say your office shows all the signs that you’d make an excellent phd student. not that my office is *anything* like yours… mainly because i haven’t got one…

  5. That was absolutely hi-larious! Funniest navlopomo post so far. I am all too familiar with the pile-‘o-crap that you always mean to file “eventually”, and the lists and charts and affirmations that fall by the wayside….you’re not alone! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Maybe it is just the mood I am in this morning, but I detected a hint of sadness in this post. A longing to be “that” person you wish you were. To actually be organized……or it could just be the fact I was watching this while I was at work in the can doing the “lord’s work”…..who knows? you inspire me ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Viva Vloggers!

  7. you’re great Rupert! so funny! I don’t know how you can keep a straight face. love all the lists. with all that GTD, I don’t know how you find time to work more than 1-2 hours per day ๐Ÿ˜‰

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