Today I’ve been getting to know you all *very* intimately. This is me getting up close and personal with Gogen’s great post from yesterday.
Today I’ve been getting to know you all *very* intimately. This is me getting up close and personal with Gogen’s great post from yesterday.
I handed the camera to Kate today. We were in Burnham Beeches, just outside London (map/satphoto). The colours are incredible this year. Another thing I’ll miss in evergreen Vancouver Island.
I was trying to persuade her to sing her song The Falling of the Leaves (a Yeats poem she set to music – you can hear it on her Myspace page) so that I could use it as a soundtrack for the other moments I shot all around the woods. But this is better.
I think I’m going to give her the camera more often.
Alternative file types:
Quicktime / Flash (click to play if player above doesn’t work)
Just some moments from a trip down the river yesterday.
It’s a funny thing – I probably wouldn’t post this if it weren’t for NaVloPoMo. Because it’s aspiring to be something it’s not.
I wanted to do NaVloPoMo because I thought it’d make me feel more comfortable posting just *anything* without judging it too much. I wonder whether it’s having the opposite effect. Seeing all the amazing things other people are posting has made me dissatisfied with the kind of stuff I’m doing with this phone.
It’s made me realise that I’ve been getting increasingly frustrated with my mobile phone’s aesthetic limitations. It shoots good *resolution* for a phone but I don’t really like the colours, the contrast, the *character* of the video it makes.
So while it’s great for capturing personal human moments and posting them in the moment, without frills, it’s not so good for taking moving snapshots of *things* that I see and want to photograph. The images just look flat, and dull.
I know that making things on my phone has got me making things and posting more often, which is great. And the aesthetic limitation has stopped me getting too hung up about what I make, which is also great.
But in NaVloPoMo I wanted to post a whole load of different types of films up, and some of them just won’t work with this phone. I want to start playing with a proper camera again.
And the truth is, I haven’t got time to. It’s already causing tension at home, the amount of time I’m spending at my computer for NaVloPoMo – and all I’ve posted are simple single-shot nothingy little snapshots. The time spent cutting the San Francisco film last week and this film today are just *too much*.
So I guess I’m stuck with my phone and its boring image quality. And that’s what I’ve got to work with this month. That’s my challenge. Fight the aspirational demons that tell me that you’re all making more interesting videos than me. Fuck it. Just post stuff. And talk. Create and connect. Kill the artist. 🙂
And yeah, yeah, I know… a bad workman blames his tools…
See comments "Trip on the ferry to Dartmouth"(Lumiere films have no sound, are 60 seconds or less, have a fixed camera position – see for more information)
This was shot and cut on my Nokia N93 phone. Not bad, for a phone.
I hate London.
I‚à ö‚â†m in Devon, staying at my father-in-law‚à ö‚â†s house on the River Dart.
This is a Lumiere that I shot when I was out in a boat with him earlier this evening. This is him, rowing. I’d love to share with you the sound of the oar, the boat and the water, but you’ll have to imagine it. Apart from anything else, what he was saying is unbroadcastable.
Earlier in the day, we went to Dartmouth on the ferry. I shot 120 clips, and cut them together as a little moving slideshow. But then I forgot my own rules, and cut them in Final Cut Pro instead of something quick & easy like my phone or Quicktime. It didn’t improve the quality of the finished product at all, I don’t think – and I forgot to compress it before I went out for a drunken dinner. So now here I am at 11.45, with the video still stuck compressing and my Day 3 deadline unachievable.
So it’s lucky I shot this Lumiere. In some ways, I prefer it to the video I was going to post.
I’ll post the Dartmouth trip video as soon as it’s done – which will be after midnight – and so maybe I’ll even end up posting 2 videos tomorrow. Or maybe not. There’s no need to show off, is there?
As I finish writing this, it’s 23:58 and the video is just about to finish uploading at Blip. Jesus. 23:59. Copied and pasted. Here we go.
See comments "Lumiere: Deliverance"
At my father-in-law’s house in Sussex. We had sausages for lunch.
Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4)
See comments "Pigs"
More fun than a SAD lamp
Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4)
See comments "trip to the park for seasonal stress relief"
Just a little moment – shot, cut and sent from my phone in the park just now.
For more animal fecal fun, see Gogen’s little kitty¬¨‚?тĆ
Formats available: MPEG4 Video (.mp4), Flash Video (.flv)
See comments "All right – enough my yakkin’ – back to business: let’s eat some dog poo"