One Minute Sunny

I like lumière videos. I like setting up a frame, as if taking a still picture, and then letting the camera roll for 60 seconds to see what happens within the frame. Often, something serendipitous will happen within the composition and within the allotted time.But lumière videos are silent, and I’m a big fan of videos with natural soundtrack.

Like Ryanne (and Jay)’s films, cut simply together, each clip with its natural background hum. There’s something very moving about the short rhythmic pulse of these sounds and images together.

I shot this one as a lumière , but it’d be half as good without its natural soundtrack. So I’m calling this a ‘son et lumière ‘ 😉
(I used to love these, before irony)

Shot with the in-camera ‘Color Accent’ setting on the Canon IXUS 860, which allows you to sample a colour and turn everything else black and white.

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Shot with the in-camera time-lapse setting on the Canon IXUS 860.

Roadrunner, by Gurdonark, via

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Video thumbnail. Click to play

Click To Play

30 second lumi‚àö?£re

it's been almost too hot and sunny at the Vancouver Island Music Fest. the Puntledge River, which runs through the woods next to the festival grounds, draws as big a crowd as some of the stages.

Formats available:MPEG4 Video (.mp4), Flash Video (.flv), Cellphone – via Ovi (.3gp)

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Vancouver Island Music Fest: Amy and Kate dancing to 84 year old Earl Scruggs

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what? *plane* crash??

out for an evening bike ride with amy.

glad i took my phone out with me, for the first time in a long time.


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Clocking Off, Cumberland Style

I realised… it’s not clear… these are strawberries, dipped in chocolate, filled with ice cream. I love pregnancy.

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plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose

I just watched three videos by Jen Proctor, Cheryl Colan and David Howell, and realised that I should really stop worrying about finding time to cut all this stuff I’ve been shooting. Nothing is too small. Moments are MacGuffins.

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Immigrant Video Diary – Episode 1: “And you may find yourself…”

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Season 2 and a half

Back at the end of last year, I think I joked about starting Season 2 of Twittervlog… after a bit of a hiatus.

But it never really got off the ground. I’ve spent the last six months posting apologies for being too busy.

And not finding the time to videoblog my move.

Anyway. Fuck all that. I’M BACK! And now I live in Canada, I’m going to have time to do all sorts of cool new things.

Like videoblogging my experience of moving to Canada, making films about the communities around me, sharing some of the other film & video stuff I’ve been doing, and reviewing & pimping the videomakers I like.

That’s the idea, anyway. We’ll see how it plays out. We’re having another baby in September, so there’ll probably be QUITE A BIG HIATUS around then.

But I’m going to give regular videoblogging another shot. And I’ve already started. There’s something uploading to Blip right now, as I type. A VIDEOBLOG POST. HOLY SHIT!

Thanks for sticking with me and for all your comments and emails. That’s what it’s all about – why I love it, why I keep doing it.

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Pangea Day – Nokia Mobile Filmmaking Awards in LA, Day One

Pangea Day, May 10 2008

Nokia have flown me to LA today for the Pangea Day Nokia Mobile Filmmaking Challenge, in which I’m one of five finalists.

Update: I didn’t win, Eduardo Cachucho did, but the event was extraordinary and they laid on untold luxuries for me, Kate and Amy. We had an amazing trip.

Pangea Day was the largest film festival ever – all around the world, people gathered to watch films chosen by the Pangea Day judges. Both in officially organised events in cities on each continent, and in thousands of small community-organised clusters. The idea of Pangea Day is to bring the world together through film. It was a TED funded project granted to Jehane Noujaim, director of the documentaries and Control Room.

The day before Pangea Day, I attended the Pangea Day Filmmakers Retreat, for which they flew dozens of emerging documentary makers to LA from around the world. It was a day of presentations from prestigious documentary makers and collaborative exercises, with group mentors. I had Matthew Modine as my mentor… So it was quite hard to resist doing my best Gunnery Sergeant Hartman. Especially as the atmosphere was relatively humourless. 100 documentary makers. It was a bit like a pre-natal class. That kind of setup always presses my Naughty Boy button.

Anyway, it was a great experience. And it was all free.

Next Pangea Day – May 2010? They say they will try to do it every two years. It can only get bigger and better. Viva Pangea Day!

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